Making a Website With The Website Builder

Learn how to create a website using the integrated website builder

What is the website builder?

Don't know how to code a website? Not familiar with WordPress? You can always use our integrated website builder, allowing you to drag an drop blocks to make a website. Our website builder is WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get), meaning that everything is previewed in real time.

If you decide to upgrade to premium later, we unfortunately CANNOT automatically migrate websites built with the website builder, as it is exclusive to Gilect. It has to be migrated manually

Launching the website builder

Documentation for launching the website builder can be found here:

Launching The Website Builder

Using the website builder

Choosing a template

After launching the website builder for the first time, please choose a template to build off of:

If you already have a website, you can import it using the import feature. If you wish to start from a scratch, you can use the blank template.

Building the website

You can select any element to edit it.

You can drag and drop elements to reorder them.

You can drag in new blocks.


Don't forget to publish! This can be done by pressing the Publish button in the upper right. If you don't want to publish right away, you can also save as a draft.

Publishing will overwrite current files on that domain, please ensure that there are no other files already for that domain, otherwise they will be overwritten.

Congratulations! You made a website using the website builder.

Last updated